CARERS Week, an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness about the vital role of unpaid carers, is being celebrated in Somerset this year with the theme "Putting Carers on the Map".

This theme underscores the invaluable contributions made by carers throughout the UK and strives to amplify their voices, ensuring their importance is recognised by politicians, employers, and communities alike.

Carers Week is more than just a campaign; it is a nationwide movement that brings together individuals and organizations dedicated to supporting carers.

The week is filled with activities and events designed to highlight the crucial role carers play in our society and to address the unique challenges they face. By shining a light on these issues, Carers Week aims to provide carers with the recognition and support they deserve.

In Somerset, the dedication and hard work of unpaid carers form the backbone of many families and communities.

Carers provide essential support to their loved ones, often without financial compensation, and frequently without recognition.

Their efforts enable those they care for to lead better, more dignified lives, despite the numerous challenges that may arise from illness, disability, or old age.

Reminiscence Learning is a charity based in Wellington who deliver training and help for people suffering from dementia and their carers – Fiona Mahoney the CEO sent this amazing testimonial they got for the work they do.

“Reminiscence Learning Carers Group means so much to me as it is not only a lifeline helping to cope with a relative suffering with dementia, it gives me the opportunity to meet up with others in same situation, where I get support and advice with the many stages on this journey.

"Some sessions are very thought provoking, some extremely light-hearted and uplifting but always valuable and extremely useful.

"The leaders are the glue in the group, and all have become special people in my life and feel like extended family, sharing all the ups and downs, information, ideas and advice.

"The meetings are a huge benefit to me and the well-being of my relative. How fortunate I feel to be involved with such a group.”

The theme "Putting Carers on the Map" is particularly poignant as it aims to increase the visibility of carers and their contributions.

This initiative is crucial in Somerset, where many carers may not even identify themselves as such. By helping individuals recognize their roles as carers, the campaign ensures they can access much-needed support and resources.

The website for Somerset Carers is it is full of information and events and ways to join in.

Carers Week in Somerset is a powerful reminder of the critical role unpaid carers play in our communities. By "Putting Carers on the Map," we can ensure their voices are heard and their contributions recognized.

As Somerset comes together to celebrate Carers Week, let us all commit to supporting these selfless individuals who give so much to others, often at great personal sacrifice.

Through awareness, support, and collective action, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of carers and those they care for.

See you again in two weeks! Until then – Stay Safe and Be Kind.