THE managing director of a fireworks company claims fewer organisations are holding fireworks displays in the Taunton area following last year’s tragic M5 crash.

Alan Christie, of Bristol-based Skyburst The Firework Co, said: “Over the last year, we’ve noticed a decline in organised displays, especially in and around the Taunton area – although it’s not so bad further afield.

“We’ve had quite a few organisers who have decided not to hold fireworks displays this year in view of what happened last year on the M5.”

Meanwhile, Taunton Deane Council said anyone planning a large event, including fireworks displays, needs to discuss their plans with the police and regulatory authorities for advice on a range of issues such as risk assessments.

A council spokeswoman said: “Fireworks events are not subject to specific licensing but associated activities – the sale of alcohol for example – might be.

“Many events would take place at a venue which is already covered by a premises licence.”

Health and Safety Executive advice for events organisers is available at