AN Anti-Social Behaviour Order has been slapped on a prolific offender who has plagued shops and members of the public for a number of years.

Police sought the ASBO against Wesley Keirle, 35, as he had “repeatedly acted in an anti-social manner” in Taunton town centre, “largely down to alcohol”.

Taunton Deane Magistrates’ Court agreed after hearing evidence of a string of crimes, including shoplifting, public order incidents and drugs offences.

Under the terms of the ASBO, which lasts for three years, Keirle is banned from having alcohol in any public place in the centre of Taunton; prohibited from behaving in a way that causes harassment, alarm or distress to the public; and he must immediately leave any retail premises in Taunton if asked to do so by a member of staff.

Keirle, who is currently living at a Taunton Association for the Homeless hostel, faces a prison sentence if he breaches the order.

Sgt Tony Crowter, from the police’s Taunton West Neighbourhood Team, said: “This ASBO was secured by working together with South West Businesses Against Crime (SWBAC) and local businesses.

“The order, which is designed to address some of the underlying reasons for the perpetrator’s offending, will reduce crime and disorder within the town centre.

“I hope this will offer reassurance to the community that alcohol-fuelled crime and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated by the police and crime reduction partners."

Andy Sharman, of SWBAC, thanked the police for securing the ASBO.

He added: “Individuals like Mr Keirle have a detrimental impact upon the business and wider community.

“We hope this action will reduce the likelihood of him causing further harassment to the community and also give him an opportunity to address the underlying issues behind his offending.

“We hope this action serves as a warning to others that the community of Taunton won’t tolerate this kind of behaviour.”