STUDENTS will have the chance to meet universities from all over the world on their doorstep at an event being held at Taunton School next week.

Around 20 universities from Europe, North America, Hong Kong and Australia will be at the school for The Student World event on Tuesday, October 15.

Students from any school or college in the area as well as parents, teachers and careers advisors will be able to find out about studying for a degree abroad and discuss the options available with representatives from a variety of academic institutions overseas.

Anna Boyd, from The Student World, said: “An increasing number of students are considering and applying for degree courses abroad and yet many are still unaware of the opportunities that exist overseas.

“The growing interest has been fuelled in part by the rise in tuition fees here in the UK but also by a desire among students to broaden their horizons and gain a global awareness which can enhance their career prospects.”

David Hawkins, Head of Careers at Taunton School, said: “Students across the South-West have a great opportunity to find out about opportunities all over the world and we hope all will benefit from this event.

“Though the UK system is brilliant for some students, others are more attracted to the chance to internationalise their CVs or to study a broad range of subjects in a Liberal Arts programme.

"As the world gets ever smaller we need to become part of a global society, and by encouraging them to think about options in other countries we are getting them ready to help shape the world in the 21st century.”

The event will be held at the school in Staplegrove Road from 5.30pm to 7.30pm and is free to attend.