IT WAS all aboard for the West Somerset Railway’s Autumn Steam Gala with 4773 passengers travelling on the railways between October 3 and 6.

The theme this year was Cambrian Railways, and the atmosphere of the railways in Mid-Wales during the 1950s and ‘60s was recreated.

One of the highlights was the “Driver for a Fiver” opportunity for visitors to Minehead Railway Station.

Visitors had the chance to take the controls of a former Great Western Railway heavy freight for a journey back and forwards along the quarter mile length of the platform at the station.

86-year-old Iva had a go and despite being nervous successfully completed the round trip and enjoyed herself.

There was even a marriage proposal on Sunday by Jason Hull to Lisa Ascott, believed to be the first in the thirty seven year history of the WSR.

Paul Conibeare, general manager said: “We were very pleased; we had 4773 passengers on the railways and an enormous amount visiting the gala as well.

“The most popular products were the Welsh homemade cakes. We’re looking forward to our Winter Steam Festival at the end of December and our Spring Gala in March.”