STAR Wars fanatic and 7ft 3in man-mountain Jonny Mathers hopes to be cast as Chewbacca in the latest instalment of the sci-fi show.

Jonny, 34, a former security guard at Morrisons in Taunton, said he has been a Star Wars fan since he first went to the cinema to see Return of the Jedi when he was four years old.

He was unaware that his wife Bethany saw a casting call by Disney, the film's producers, which asked for a 'male 7 ft to 7.3 ft tall with a slim/thin build and upright posture'.

The casting call also said their ideal candidate would be 'not too worked out or too thick set' and 'broad facial features would be a bonus'.

Bethany set up a Facebook page called 'Get Jonny in Star Wars' which has now has attracted more than 1,500 likes.

Jonny told the Mercury: “It has been an amazing response and the Facebook group has spiralled - suddenly I've had agencies and newspapers calling me up.

“What started as a joke with the wife now has people genuinely supporting me.

“I don't know what is next and I will just have to see what happens.”

Keen rock guitarist Jonny, who weighs in at 23 stone and has a shaven head, said despite his intimidating looks, he is actually a gentle giant.

He added: “I've always been tall and now with a shaven head people notice me but I'm actually quite a quiet guy.”

Jonny said he has never acted professionally before but did an animation degree at university which helped him learn some acting skills.

British actor Peter Mayhew, 69, who is also 7ft 3in tall, played Chewbacca in previous Star Wars films.

Somerset County Gazette: DON’T GET COCKY KID: Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca and Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars

The Chewbacca character, a Wookiee, has featured in four of the previous Star Wars instalments.

Star Wars: Episode VII is due to start production in the UK early next year and is scheduled for release in 2015.