AN AMBITIOUS 24-hour activity marathon is taking place at the YMCA in Taunton next month to help raise some much needed funds for its roof appeal.

The centre in Lisieux Way recently launched its roof appeal for urgent repairs, with a target of £100,000.

Now an exciting event has been organised to boost the appeal, with a 24-hour activity marathon from 10.30am on July 3 to 11am on July 4.

People are being urged to sign up and participate in activities and games during the 24 hours, and raise some money.

There are time slots available throughout the day and night for different activities including the all weather five-a-side pitch, sports hall, dance studio, squash studio and a games area.

For those who cannot manage to join in the fun on either of the days, the YMCA is challenging them to be sponsored for thei own activity to raise funds for the roof appeal and theirr contributions will be publicised along with the main event.

Joy Garland, centre manager at Taunton YMCA, said: “Your challenge is to be sponsored and help us fill all our activity time slots for the full 24 hours.

“Our challenge is to coordinate and run a full 24 hours of continuous activities on these dates and stay awake. So don’t miss out.

There will be an incredible energy and buzz about the place resulting in a fantastic achievement.”

For more information or to book an activity and time slot readers should contact Taunton YMCA on 01823- 274667, pop in, or email