VISITORS have greater choice about what time they can visit patients at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton.

From earlier this month you can visit bewteen 10am and 9pm seven days a week.

Hospital bosses say the new policy makes it easier and more accessible for patients' families, friends and carers to drop in.


A spokesman said: "It is widely recognised that support from family and friends as well as carers, in the form of hospital visits, is an integral part of any patient’s recovery.

"Our move to open visiting, which takes place from 10am to 9pm, seven days a week, will allow more flexibility for visitors to help their loved ones, at a time that suits them.


"This new policy also forms part of the hospital’s aim to make the hospital more dementia friendly by giving relatives and carers the chance to spend more time with their loved one and have an active role in their care while they are in hospital.

"In opening up visiting times we also need all visitors to be mindful that patients also need rest to help them get well as soon as possible."