THE appeal council has courageously and thoughtfully reversed the council’s previous decision to enable us to send our great-granddaughter to the nearest school of her choice, instead of to Taunton Academy, the other side of town.

Needless to say, they have made an 11-year-old girl extremely happy and healthier, enabling her to walk all the way to and from school accompanied by all her friends.

This also has the effect of reducing, in a small way, the traffic congestion to Taunton Academy, which has built up to becoming difficult by car.

READ MORE: Great granddad's appeal over school place

Our appreciation obviously, goes to the appeal council for their decision.

You have made an 11-year-old girl and her family very happy and will enable her mum to continue working and studying.

Our appreciation also goes to everyone who supported our campaign, including Rebecca Pow MP, who gave us unstinted help and support, the County Gazette for displaying our letters and views, they were invaluable and I hope will galvanise others in the same position.

Last but not least, everyone who supported us and gave us encouragement.

Thanks to you all.
