OVER £2million is set to be invested in Taunton town centre after firms in the town backed plans for a Business Improvement District (BID) Voting took place throughout July and the 'yes' result now puts Taunton among the first 55 BIDs in the country.

Over 800 businesses were polled and returned a result of 72% in favour of the scheme. The turn-out was 43%.

The result means over £2million will be available over the next five years for the town centre and plans are now ready to swing into action.

These include a dedicated BID police team day and night, major marketing and events to keep and attract shoppers, improved street cleaning, specialist signing, hi-tech information kiosks and more Christmas lighting.

Taunton town centre manager Lucy Ball, who has been leading the campaign, said: "We're thrilled. It has been a year-long campaign to consult with and explain to local businesses just what BID can do for them.

"We know this will really help keep Taun-ton firmly on the map as the best place to shop and visit."

The Taunton BID marketing campaign has been held up nationally as an outstanding example by management consultants Price Waterhouse Coopers, who have a Govern-ment remit to help town centre partnerships.

The County Gazette has also come in for praise following the result.

"The paper has been wonderfully helpful to the campaign, really helping us get the message across about how the BID will boost Taunton, and like other town centre businesses they will pay a levy, too," said Mrs Ball.

The BID work will start on October 1 when the bills are sent out, but initial plans are already prepared.

An early Christmas present of a state-of-the-art cleaning machine will be ordered, extended Christmas lighting will be arran-ged and recruitment will begin for a BID police team as well as a BID steering group.

The result means every business in the BID area - most of the town centre, including East Reach and Station Road - will pay a 1% levy of their rateable value.

Additional funding will come from the police, sponsorship, Taunton Deane Council and Somerset County Council, plus £30,000 from the South-West of England Regional Development Agency.

For more information click on the link below.