PARENTS in Somerset are being urged to make sure their children stay safe when playing in the countryside this summer.

As the holiday season gets into full swing, thousands of children across the South-West will be playing on or near farms.

The Health and Safety Executive says that every year, children are injured - or killed - by farm machinery.

HSE inspector David Cory has investigated many agriculturally-related incidents and fatalities.

He said: "Agriculture has one of the highest fatal accident rates of all industries in the UK.

"This is particularly relevant to us in the South-West, where there is a strong tradition of children working alongside their families during the busy summer months and where we have a large influx of seasonal visitors.

"Also, as inspectors working in this environment, we are very aware of the farmers' temptation to try and sort out their own machinery problems - particularly when it looks like a simple blockage or quick adjustment.

"Unfortunately, because they are always busy, they often forget about simple health and safety rules and try and sort out a problem while the engine is still running or a piece of equipment is still turning. When there are lots of children about, like during the summer months, they run the double risk of injury to themselves and of witnessing the horrific injury of others."

A free safety HSE booklet - 'Tractor Action INDG185' is available by calling 08701-545500.