STUDENTS and staff at Queen's College, Taunton, have been recreating art materpieces from items they've found around their homes during lockdown.

Some have even used their pets in response to the unusual challenge launched by art teacher Laura Burgoyne after she saw a similar project by the Getty Museum in America.

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Adam (Year 7) used Monty as a model to reproduce Francis Barraud's His Master's Voice.

Head teacher Dr Lorraine Earps said: "Laura wanted the school community to be creative, imaginative, inventive, but most of all have some fun and they've certainly achieved that.

"I even had a phone call from the other side of the country from another head who had seen my effort on our social media.

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Maths teacher Chris Monks, assisted by junior registrar Vanessa Monks posed as Rembrandt’s Man in Hat.

"Although we launched the challenge during the Easter holidays, it was also used in art lessons when the summer term started again last Wednesday.

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Bertille (Year 4) as Ada Lovelace.

"We are all determined that our remote learning programme should be as interactive as possible and this certainly fits the bill."

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Benjamin (Year 7) recreated The Son of Man by René Magritte.

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Niamh (Year 8) used her horse Pete to recreate The Piebald Horse by Paulus Potter.

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Art teacher Laura Burgoyne's Girl with a Lapdog by Federico De Madrazo, made from toilet roll and a T-shirt to pose with her dog Harley.

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Arthur Hughes's In the Grass Going modelled by visiting music teacher Estelle Jackson.

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Oscar (Year 1) as Napoleon.

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Tabitha (Year 7) recreated Girl by a Mantelpiece by Harold Gilman.

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Willow from Nursery School has been modelling as Blond Girl with Doll by August Macke.

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Smiley (Year 10) recreated The Scream by Edvard Munch using scraps of plastic, cloth, tissue bags and old electric sockets.

Somerset County Gazette: Crying in Renaissance by Hecata, starring Doodle from events and business manager Jan de Caux.

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Head of English Miriam Litton and her son Ralph recreate Botticelli’s Madonne of the Book.

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Nelly (Year 6) and Monty as Giovanni Boldini's The Actress Rejane And Her Dog.

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Aria (Year 7) recreates A Young Girl Holding a Basket of Grapes by Elizabeth Bouguereau.

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The Therapist by Rene Magritte recreated by Harriet (Year 7).

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Head of social sciences Anna Rust in Whistler’s Mother by James Whistler.