SOMERSET residents could have to live with the coronavirus for the next two years until a vaccine or treatment has been approved.

Somerset County Council has produced a report with public health officials outlining what steps it will take to manage local outbreaks of Covid-19 going forward.

The plan was published in full on the council’s website, ahead of a meeting of the Somerset health and well-being board on Thursday morning (July 16).

Here’s 11 things we can take away from the report – and what you can do to ensure we don’t get a second wave in Somerset:

1. Somerset could be affected for the next two years

While more aspects of lockdown are gradually being lifted, the effects of the coronavirus will still be felt in Somerset for some time.

Director of public health Trudi Grant said that while “new infections are now at low levels” across the county”, people should plan to “live with Covid-19… for up to two years, while we await an effective vaccine and/or treatments”.

In the meantime, the county must have “strong disease surveillance in place, and an ability to tackle outbreaks as swiftly and effectively as possible.” 

2. There have been 68 outbreaks so far across the county

Somerset has seen 68 localised outbreaks up to June 18 (the most recent figures available in the report) – which is a relatively low level.

Ms Grant said: “Somerset residents have, in the main, complied with national guidance and have modified their behaviour to help prevent the spread of the virus.

“To date, we have been able to respond to the demand for outbreak control meetings and the necessary actions to take to control spread.”

3. The county council and public health officials are in charge of monitoring the spread of the virus

Under the local outbreak plan, two bodies will continue to meet regularly to monitor the spread of the virus and respond to reports of localised outbreaks.

The Somerset Covid-19 Health Protection Board will continue to meet weekly, chaired by Ms Grant and including representatives from the NHS, social care system and other public health organisations in Somerset.

This board will liaise with central government over the NHS test and trace programme and the Joint Biosecurity Centre, “with the aim of reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with Covid-19 in Somerset”.

The similarly-named Somerset Local Outbreak Engagement Board will meet less often, but will hold meetings in public (virtually) and will be chaired by council leader David Fothergill.

It will have “a broad membership” – including people from BAME backgrounds- and is there to “promote the maintenance of the infection control measures” and support individuals or organisations. who struggle to implement or adhere to them.

4. However, the emergency services can intervene if an outbreak is especially severe

The Avon and Somerset Local Resilience Forum (ASLRF) brings together the police, fire and ambulance services, as well as local councils and public health officials, to coordinate a response to major events.

Under the Civil Contingency Act 2004, ASLRF can and should create plans for responding to major emergencies, which can be implemented at a moment’s notice.

So, if parts of Somerset end up going into local lockdown, as happened in Leicester, ASLRF will be calling the shots on the ground.

5. There’s a crucial distance between an outbreak and a cluster?

It sounds like these two terms could and should be interchangeable – but there is a crucial difference, outlined in the report.

In a non-residential setting (e.g. a business), a cluster refers to two or more confirmed cases of coronavirus within a 14-day period.

An outbreak refers to the same number of people having tested positive, but also evidence of “direct exposure between at least two of the confirmed cases” in the same setting – in other words, they have been more likely to pass it onto others in the same location.

In each case, the situation cannot be declared ‘clear’ until there have been no new cases for 28 days of the last case being reported.

6. Outbreaks will be identified and contained using “surge capacity”

Someone is treated as possibly having coronavirus if they have either a new and continuous cough, a high temperature or anosmia (the loss of sense of taste and/ or smell).

Ms Grant said the public health system in Somerset would operate on the basis of “surge capacity” to contain identified clusters and outbreaks.

She added: “The most effective response is likely to involve teams who are used to working with particular settings.

“Public health teams, and adult and children services teams, will be required but will require investment in training of the basics of outbreak control, to enable positive contribution to this work.”

7. Holiday parks, slaughterhouses and Hinkley Point C are deemed high-risk workplaces

The report singles out a number of sectors which are at high risk of significant outbreaks, either due to their size and scale or the type of work being undertaken on a daily basis.

Ms Grant said slaughterhouses and poultry processing plans were “at higher risk” based on evidence from elsewhere in the UK – though the reason for this is currently unclear.

She said: “The aim will be to work with the food processing and production sector on preventing outbreaks, as well as managing them if and when they occur.”

Holiday destinations, particularly holiday camps, are also high-risk – but these have “well-rehearsed outbreak plans” for diseases like norovirus, which can be adapted to the risks posed by Covid-19.

Ms Grant said: “We will work to understand the epidemiology of any outbreak and what additional steps are required to bring the outbreak under control, including any spread into the wider community from an establishment.

“It is important to note that outbreaks linked to major holiday establishments may have cases that have left Somerset before onset of symptoms occurs, with the potential for dispersal of incubating cases around the country.”

The Hinkley Point C construction site near Stogursey is also regarded by Somerset health officers at high risk, though it has mitigated this by reducing its workforce on-site down to around 2,500.

EDF Energy has also introduced in-house testing on-site and has worked with the county council on its own outbreak plan.

8. Care homes have detailed plans in place for any cases diagnosed

There are more than 200 care homes in Somerset – and plans are in place across the board to help them contain and deal with any cases.

As soon as a case is suspected, the care home in question must inform the council’s public health team, who will give advice and dispatch both testing swabs and PPE to the care home.

The individual in question must be confined to a single bedroom “with a separate bathroom wherever possible” and “full infection control” measures (including hand-washing and social distancing) must be put in place to ensure the virus cannot spread further.

Once the test results of the patient are known, they will be sent to the patient’s GP.

If the number of cases keep rising, or there is a death at the premises, the matter is escalated further up the council’s chain of command.

9. Similar plans are in place for Somerset’s schools and nurseries

Somerset’s schools have a similarly robust plan for dealing with suspected cases of Covid-19.

If a pupil or staff member is suspected to have the virus, they will be sent home immediately. They will have to isolate for eight days (the day of the virus’ onset plus a further seven), while other members of the household must isolate for 14 days.

The premises will be deep-cleaned and disinfected in their absence, and the pupil or staff member will be tested.

If the test is negative, they can return to school once the isolation period is over – but if it’s positive, those who were in contact will be asked to be tested too and further cleaning will take place daily.

Deciding whether or not a school should close is down to the staff and the council’s health practitioners.

Ms Grant said: “The most important factor in this decision is whether the school could function normally with depleted staff numbers. It might also allow cleaning and disinfection to take place.

“Closing the school is not routinely advised during an outbreak. The decision to close a school is at the discretion of the head teacher.”

10. We have our own Somerset dashboard for virus cases

It can feel at times like we’re being overloaded with data about the number of coronavirus cases in any given area at any given time.

Fortunately, there is a specific dashboard for Somerset which is being updated every Wednesday.

Ms Grant said this will “enable residents, visitors, businesses and communities to see the latest coronavirus Somerset figures and help dispel myths.”

11. There’s a strategy to keep the public up to date in multiple ways

As well as the dashboard, Somerset health officials have a strategy for keeping the public informed and reinforcing national messages regarding social distancing, hand-washing, self-isolating and other measures

The strategy includes:

Press releases to print and online media

Regular social media posts, including shared posts with Public Health England and the Department for Health and Social Care

Identifying “influencers” on social media who can spread a message wider

Talking cafes (where people can be signposted to different services)

Information at GP surgeries

Ms Grant said: “Work will continue with evidence-based ‘higher risk’ areas such as workplaces, care homes, businesses, schools, faith centres and tourism and hospitality sites.

“We will ensure everyone behaves in a safe and appropriate manner, are aware of and can access latest government guidance and knows what to do if someone within their establishment develops Covid-19 symptoms.”