A FUNDRAISER to help hospital staff who had their tyres slashed has raised an incredible £1,717.

Staff at Musgrove Park Hospital who parked on Musgrove Road in Taunton came back after a night shift to discover they had flat tyres on February 9.

READ MORE: Car tyres slashed on Musgrove Road in Taunton

Leigh Mills, who works at Musgrove Park Hospital, set up a JustGiving page to help the people who had their tyres slashed to pay for the damage.

But the fundraiser raised well over the target amount of £1,000.

And so Ms Mills has been able to put together care packages for the departments where staff were affected and buy sensory toys for the children's unit.

Somerset County Gazette: TOYS: Donations for the childrens unit at Musgrove Park Hospital

"When I first started the fundraiser I really wasn’t sure what we would raise, I never expected we would raise more than enough to reimbursed those affected," she said. "As the figure grew one nurse affected who works on the children’s unit asked if there was a possibility of some sensory toys for the department.

"I am so grateful for everyone’s kind donations in which we have achieved tyre reimbursement, sensory toys as requested for the children’s unit, and care packages filled with lots of pampering goodies and treats for the departments where those affected work.

"I am so grateful for everyone’s community spirit and how everyone has rallied around to support our heroes."

Anyone with information about the incident is being asked to get in touch with Crimestoppers in an attempt to bring the perpetrator to justice.

READ MORE: Crimestoppers offers reward to catch person who slashed NHS workers' car tyres in Musgrove Road, Taunton

The charity is offering a reward, which they hope will encourage someone to come forward anonymously with vital information.