A STONEMASON from Frome has set himself a challenge to row 500km over 100 days.

Steve Barker started his challenge on February 21 to raise money for Active and In Touch. The charity supports those who have become lonely and isolated, with the help of volunteer befrienders.

Mr Barker, 52, was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and made the decision to change his lifestyle. And now, he has managed to lose three stone.

“The last year has been difficult for many, especially those who are alone," he said.

"I am currently raising money for a local charity who helps the more vulnerable in the community.”

Mr Barker heard about Active and In Touch a friend, who explained how the charity had helped a family member.

"I would like to thank Stephen on behalf of everyone at Active and In Touch and all the members who benefit from the charity," added Tracey Rawlins, community fundraiser for Active and In Touch.

"Support like this can ensure we can continue helping more people.”

Mr Barker has raised £1,035 so far. To donate visit localgiving.org/fundraising/stephens500kmchallenge/