ON the Covid-19 front; earlier this week the Prime Minister set out plans (subject to a final review of the data next week), that will see legal restrictions end on Monday 19 July, which I know is very welcome news to many.

Limits on social contact will end; weddings, funerals, and other life events can take place without limits or restrictions and all venues currently closed will be allowed to re-open.

Face coverings will no longer be legally required although guidance will be in place to encourage people to wear one where you encounter people you don’t usually meet in enclosed and crowded places.

It is important to stress, however, that the pandemic is not over.

Cases are currently rising, as are hospitalisations and sadly deaths and these will undoubtedly rise further as society and the economy reopen.

Thanks to the vaccine programme (and please do keep coming forward), hospitalisations are expected to rise more slowly than previously.

As ever, Government will keep the data under regular review and I shall continue to monitor the situation here and feed into the Health Department as we move away from stringent restrictions on everyone’s day-to-day lives, towards advising people on how to protect themselves and others, alongside targeted interventions to reduce risk.

Locally, many of you have been in touch with concerns regarding the General Practice Data for Planning and Research and the agreement struck by Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

I have liaised with the Trust in recent days and they have confirmed their commitment to omit the anonymised data from any individual who completes a National Data Opt Out.

There is also a useful Q&A page on this issue on the Trust’s website should you require any further information.

On another health matter, that of NHS dental provision, or rather, the lack of it, particularly in Wellington.

I have had initial discussions with the Department for Health and Social Care and followed up by raising concerns with the responsible Minister regarding the situation here.

I will be meeting with key stakeholders in the region shortly to find a way forward.

MP for Taunton Deane