A VET in Wellington removed ‘the largest brain tumour he’d ever seen’ from Mozzarella the cat.

The 17-year-old animal had a tumour around a third of the size of his brain, which was causing collapses and general unsteadiness.

Neurology specialist, Simon Betram from Cave Veterinary Referrals, removed the tumour during a three-hour operation.

Mr Bertram said: : “Mozzarella arrived at Cave with a two-week history of unsteadiness and compulsive circling to the left.

“An MRI scan revealed a very large mass between the forebrain hemispheres which we suspected was a large falcine meningioma and we offered to operate.

“Mozzarella underwent a modified bilateral transfrontal craniectomy to remove the meningioma and it was a challenging surgery as the tumour did not want to come out without a fight.”

Mozzarella’s owner David Nilsson, from Princetown in Devon, said everything went ‘far better than expected’.

“We were extremely worried when the MRI scan revealed a very large brain tumour, which one of the vets said was the largest brain tumour he’d ever seen in a cat," he added.

“Our first reaction was to ask whether it was operable and when we were assured it potentially was, we said to go ahead with the surgery.

“He’s now running around with great enthusiasm, chasing his laser pointer and chasing other cats out of the garden.

“His appetite has returned, and you’d probably not guess how elderly he was unless you were told.

“We’re very happy and would definitely recommend Cave to other pet owners.

"Mozzarella was cared for very well throughout and the vets were very good at explaining all the procedures and risks.”