BOSSES at a YMCA building in Taunton are hoping to create a community café and social space.

A planning application for the development in the youth charity's premises in Lisieux Way has been submitted to Somerset West and Taunton Council.

It includes proposals for the installation of doors and windows to the front and replacement of high level single glazed windows with double glazed ones.

The application says: "The proposed works include the development of the existing ground floor activities and social area into a community café and social space.

"The works will significantly enhance the general amenity of the existing building for users whilst making the building more accessible, inviting and inclusive to all members of the community."

It adds: "A community survey undertaken by the YMCA confirmed that the proposed development of the building would be beneficial to both service users and the wider community.

"The YMCA would be the only resource offering a community café open to all within the local area.

"The installation of the new doors and windows will greatly improving the natural lighting and controlled ventilation within the area and will enable users the ability to be able to look out of the building, vastly improving their experience and confidence.

"The opening doors will enable the area immediately outside the community café to be utilized for activities including ‘Talking Café’, arts, crafts, gardening, DIY etc, increasing our general useable space, improving user experience & opportunities whilst maintaining the welfare facilities and support within the main building."