ARTS Taunton has received a £250 grant from The Arts Society Taunton towards the former's Tyca Youth Festival, which enables young people to showcase their artistic talents.

Society chairman Jane Barrie said: "The Arts Society Taunton is delighted to be supporting local young people in the furtherance of art in its widest form and wish Tyca every success in their performances.”

The festival, in its fourth year, has weathered the pandemic and further music and drama performances are scheduled at the Tacchi Morris Arts Centre and The Brewhouse Theatre from March 3-6.

Arts Taunton lead trustee Julie O’Donnell said: “Arts Taunton is grateful to a 'sister' arts organisation, The Arts Society Taunton for supporting us in our work with young people.

"The Arts Society's focus on the community means their grant will go towards providing local young people the long-awaited opportunity to showcase the performances they had planned and towards which they had worked so hard last year.

"The arts are an important medium in which they can express themselves and this year we will be encouraging engagement in curriculum-based activities, working towards a large performance in 2023."

For details of Tyca performances visit