TAUNTON St Andrews who won promotion back to the top flight in the WEPL on the last day of the 2021 season held their Annual General Meeting at The Wyvern Club last week.

After all of the various reports were presented and accepted formalities, Richard Brice was re-elected as the president along with Kevin Parsons, as chairman, Alan King as Secretary and Steve Jenkins as treasurer.

This year the first team will be led by Justin Burke who has been appointed as first team manager/captain with a view to him helping to develop other young players around him.

Jordan Clapp was elected a second team captain, Ryan Cleverly is the new third team captain with stalwart Stuart Hockey continuing as fourth team captain.

The Sunday team will once again be led by the evergreen Martin Baldock who is hoping that the 2022 season will be the year he notches up his 2000 wickets for the club, and he will be assisted by Toby Williams-Thomas as vice captain.

The Saints Junior teams have already started training at King’s Indoor Cricket Centre on Sunday afternoons and nearer the start of the season there will be a Junior Signing On Night.

Senior Nets have also already commenced at King’s so anyone who would like to join the Saints- whatever standard or anybody interested in hiring the outdoor nets should call Richard Brice on 07870 583123