A TAUNTON organisation has just marked its centenary and is looking forward to a year of celebrations.

The Rotary Club of Taunton held its first ever meeting in the Castle Hotel in March 1922 and will be looking back - and forward - during its centenary year starting in July.

David Lewis, who will be president during the period, said: "There can’t be many local organisations with a record of 100 years of continuous service to the community.

"In the last couple of years we have supported over 30 largely local organisations and individuals.

"We are of course part of the wider Rotary community of 1.2 million men and women from around the world and have long standing special relationships with the Rotary clubs of Lisieux, Taunton’s twin town, and Taunton Massachusetts, and typically support at least one international charity each year."

Back in 1922, the first major piece of service was to provide teas at the Taunton Hospital fete, with the proceeds going to two children’s homes in Taunton.

Somerset County Gazette:

The County Gazette reports the inaugural luncheon of Taunton Rotary Club in February 1922.

Thus began the tradition of support for the town’s hospitals and young people.

Today’s Musgrove Park Hospital League of Friends was established by Rotarians more than 60 years ago and club members are still involved today.

‘Youth in the Community’ will be one of the themes of the centenary year, when Pride of Somerset Youth Awards will feature once again as they have for more than a decade.

Nominations for this year’s awards are now open so if you know a young person who has done something to make you proud, put them forward for an award.

Details can be found on the club website.

At the present time Rotary, like so many organisations, is developing its response to the tragic circumstances in Ukraine and this will undoubtedly influence some of the planning for the centenary celebrations.

The reason the Rotary Club of Taunton has been around for a long time and the key behind its sustainability lies in its commitment to building fellowship between members and their families.

They have fun, hold events and support each other.

If you are interested in becoming a member or maybe just finding out more about what the club does, then make contact via www.tauntonrotary.com

The County Gazette carried a report of the inaugural Taunton Rotary Club luncheon at The Castle Hotel on February 29 1922.

Those present were informed that weekly meetings would feature a meal followed by a brief talk on "some topic of social, philanthropic, business or general interest, delivered as far as possible by someone who is an authority on his subject".

Anyone who failed to attend four consecutive luncheon without reasonable explanation would see their membership lapsed.

Although Rotary embraced Christian ideals, religion, as well as politics, was declared a taboo subject at the luncheons, which would last a maximum of one hour.