THE grass in some council-owned open spaces in the Taunton and Minehead areas will be cut less frequently to support the climate and our ecology.

Somerset West and Taunton Council has developed a grassland management strategy after Somerset Wildlife Trust identified appropriate areas to aid nature recovery.

But the grass will still be kept short in popular parks.

The strategy will identify opportunities for changing mowing routines to support wildlife depending on whether open spaces are high use, moderate use or infrequent use.

It will allow the team who maintain sites across the district to decide which cutting regime is the most appropriate.

Cllr Andy Sully, SWT executive member for environmental services, said: “Our new strategy is designed to ensure that council-owned land is managed with both people and nature in mind.

“Areas that are regularly used by residents and visitors, such as our flagship parks, play areas, or open spaces close to houses, will always be mowed frequently with access as a priority for their main purpose as spaces for residents to enjoy.

“However, in areas that are less well used the strategy and decision tree will help us to choose the most suitable mowing programme in line with our climate commitments.”

The authority has declared a climate emergency and an ecological emergency, highlighting the role open space management can play in meeting environmental challenges.

It has been trialling changes in how open spaces are managed to improve biodiversity, including sowing wildflowers and leaving some areas of grass to grow longer.

Cllr Dixie Darch, executive member for climate, said: “Engaging with Somerset Wildlife Trust on this grassland management strategy will allow us to improve biodiversity in our parks and open spaces.

“The benefits of long grass in protecting wildlife habitats, providing shelter for invertebrates to breed, improving biodiversity and supporting pollinator species are well documented.

“I'm delighted we've been able to integrate climate and ecological considerations into our strategy in line with our commitment to put climate and environmental responsibility at the heart of everything.”

Simon Clarke, head of nature recovery at Somerset Wildlife Trust, said: “This shows a strong commitment from the council and will demonstrate how relatively small changes in the way we approach land management can have a big impact in adapting to climate change.

“It allow opportunities for a wide range of nature to thrive."