BACK in late June 2014, litter was blighting Taunton’s streets – and it was a problem polluting dreams of an ambitious ‘vision’ for the county town.

That was the message from Taunton business figures who were on the warpath because they claimed a “general malaise” has affected the upkeep and maintenance of the town’s streets and public spaces.

Leading the charge was Alan Garbutt, a Taunton resident of 38 years who lived at the time in Hammet’s Wharf, overlooking the River Tone near Morrisons.

Somerset County Gazette: Rubbish in Taunton in 2014.

The former management and distribution operations consultant said the state of the town’s streets has unquestionably declined since he first arrived and his concerns have prompted him to regularly check the scale of Taunton’s litter problems.

He said he repeatedly raised the issue with Taunton Deane Council, particularly after high-profile town centre events.

And the threat to the town’s reputation was thrown into stark relief on the morning of rock legend Rod Stewart’s Taunton concert, says Mr Garbutt, when he found the streets strewn with rubbish just hours before 18,000 ticket holders arrived in town.

Somerset County Gazette: Rubbish in Taunton in 2014.

Mr Garbutt, with Taunton Rugby Club chairman John Wrelton, Castle Hotel proprietor Kit Chapman and Taunton School headmaster John Newton, sought answers – and a solution – from the Deane Council, which is responsible for street cleaning.

The four were members of Taunton Forward, a taskforce wanting to improve the business, shopping, tourism and leisure offer to visitors, and put the town’s ‘brand’ on the map.

“I couldn’t believe what I saw outside Nando’s, I was so incensed,” said Mr Garbutt.

“I had steam coming out of my ears.

Somerset County Gazette: Rubbish in Taunton in 2014.

“I was shocked, annoyed, angry – we had 18,000 people showing up and this was what they were going to see.

“There was a coachload of tourists, and you could tell from their expressions they weren’t impressed.”

TauntonForward took photos showing rubbish scattered across North Street, Fore Street and Hammet Street at the time, which you can see in this story.

Taunton Deane Council countered TauntonForward’s criticisms, arguing that the county town as a whole – traders, the public and the authorities – is responsible for keeping Taunton tidy.

Somerset County Gazette: Rubbish in Taunton in 2014.

A spokesman said: “The council believes it’s important to lead by example and would be delighted to support a campaign to keep Taunton tidy that the County Gazette, other local media or individuals might consider launching.”

The spokesman also said the failure of some businesses to properly manage disposal of their waste, which was “not a service the council is responsible for”, was unfairly levelled as a council failing.

The spokesman said: “It becomes a perceived failing and a cost to the council when traders don’t take enough care of their waste disposal provision.”

Contrary to projections of a continued squeeze on the council budget for the Direct Labour Organisation, which is responsible for street cleaning and emptying litter bins, the spokesman clarified that the Deane Council was, in fact, investigating whether it could inject more money – not less – into street cleaning to keep Taunton “as neat as possible”.

Has things improved in Taunton since 2014? What do you think, is there still a litter issue in the County town?