A GROUP of 60 Taunton Rotary Club members have celebrated a unique achievement by their outgoing president.

Peter Renshaw has just completed his second term in the role - the first person in the history of the club to have held the position for more than a year.

He has now stepped down and handed over the office to incoming president David Lewis.

Mr Renshaw spearheaded some remarkable achievements during the past two years, despite significant health challenges and stretches of time undergoing treatment for cancer.

He led the club back to normal operations following months of isolation through the lockdowns and, having set an ambitious agenda, members rallied to organise and promote a range of activities.

Among them were a major charity fundraising dinner at Oake Manor Golf Club, with guest speaker Simon Parkin, from BBC Somerset; the organisation and delivery of a Christmas charity pop-up-shop; Somerset’s Inclusive Disability Ball; and a concert at Temple Methodist Church to celebrate 100 years of the Royal British Legion.

The club continued its commitment to international development and began a long-term sponsorship of the Great Lakes Project, a charity working in the world’s poorest country Burundi following a visit to the club from their inspirational charity founder Simon Guillebaud.

On the heels of Peter’s previous success with the Taunton Toad Trail, the club also sponsored the Corgi trail to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Among the many speakers, Rotarians hosted the High Sherriff of Somerset, who made a special Citizen of Somerset Award to a major friend of the club, Luis Martelo, musician and veteran.

The club continued its support for young people, organising youth competitions for music and photography.

Most significant though, is Mr Renshaw’s longstanding commitment and leadership of the Pride of Somerset Youth Awards, presented at a memorable event compered and broadcast by BBC Somerset.

Mr Renshaw has been a driving force for change and action.

His wife Sylvia, who has been by his side, was also president of sister club Inner Wheel, an unprecedented partnership in the club’s history.

Taunton Rotary Club donated more than £30,000 for local charities in his term of office, with the principal beneficiaries the Conquest Centre, The League of Friends Musgrove Park Hospital, Go-Create and The Great Lakes Project.