THE owner of an eco-friendly shop based in Taunton is urging residents to support the Plastic Free July campaign.

The campaign’s aim is to create a world free of plastic waste and Lesser Litter owner, Kate Robertson, has shared a list of tips to support its initiative.

Lesser Litter has been promoting a sustainable approach since it opened in July 2018 offering a “positive option for shopping ethically, organically and packaging-free”.

Somerset County Gazette:

The Plastic Free July campaign started 11 years ago in Australia but now is a worldwide trend.

Here are Kate’s tips: “Assess your plastic. Take a look at your recycling/bins, and tackle the items you use a lot. For us, it was pasta, rice, nuts, and cereal.

“Many good zero waste and farm shops stock such goods loose, and tackling these will reduce your plastic use a lot, and quickly.

“Refill your toiletry and cleaning bottles. Many shops offer refills for these items and you’ve probably already got old bottles ready to be refilled.

“Ask your local shop about the products they stock, and if possible shop with one that has a circular system in place with their suppliers (where the shop’s barrels go back to be refilled by their supplier too, rather than being recycled after use).

Somerset County Gazette:

“Carry reusables. Taking a bottle for water, some cups, straws, and cutlery in your bag will save on plastic when you’re out and about.

“They don’t have to be expensive or fancy. An old pencil case with a napkin and some of your cutlery can serve you well, and it is even possible to use a large jar and rubber bands for a handhold to make your own reusable cup.

“Take bags with you Once you’re in the habit of having a few reusable carrier bags and produce bags with you, you can easily start to cut down on plastic from purchases you make while out and about.

“We rarely leave home now without a bag or box of plastic-free snacks. Refill shops will offer a range.

“As an example, at Lesser Litter we have crisps, chocolates, sweets, dried fruit and nuts, and savory treats such as Bombay mix, rice crackers, and roasted peas.”

Somerset County Gazette:

Lesser Litter is based on Paul Street, Taunton.

The shop believes in reusing packaging, circular supply, and supporting sustainable organic farming practices.

Shoppers can bring and fill their containers or buy them in the shop itself and use them more than once.

For more information visit the shop’s website here.