Five paddleboarders who found themselves in trouble in the Bristol Channel have been rescued by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

On Sunday, June 26, a group of five 20-year-olds from South Wales were paddleboarding in Minehead when they were blown seaward by strong south-westerly winds.

They were rescued by Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) volunteers who discovered the group while returning from a routine training exercise.

They spotted the paddleboarders struggling in the rough sea conditions and acted quickly to assist them.

Volunteer Helm Phil Sanderson said: "As we pulled them onboard it was clear some of the group were upset and beginning to feel the effects of the cold water. We returned all five ashore for further assessment, it was good to see they were wearing wetsuits and buoyancy aids which certainly helped them in this frightening situation."

In light of this event, RNLI advises that paddleboarders refer to the following safety tips:

  • Avoid going alone, where possible
  • Always tell someone where you are going and when you’ll be back
  • Check the weather forecast and avoid offshore winds
  • Wear a suitable personal floatation device and clothing for the time of year
  • Get the appropriate level of training
  • Use a paddleboard with an appropriate leash