TAUNTON Deane MP and former Environment Minister Rebecca Pow is supporting a package of measures just announced to further tackle water pollution and support sustainable development.

The measures include a new legal duty on water companies in England to upgrade wastewater treatment works by 2030 in ‘nutrient neutrality’ areas to the highest achievable technological levels.

They also contain a new Nutrient Mitigation Scheme established by Natural England, helping wildlife and boosting access to nature by investing in projects such as new and expanded wetlands and woodlands.

This will allow local planning authorities to grant planning permission for new developments in areas with nutrient pollution issues, providing for the development of sustainable new homes and ensuring building can go ahead. Defra and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will provide funding to pump prime the scheme.

She said: “As the former Environment and Nature Recovery Minister who worked to pull together this plan across government departments over the last year, I welcome the comprehensive package just announced which will see nutrient pollution reduced, help the environment and start to unlock appropriate sustainable development.

"It is essential that new homes do not impair the quality of our rivers, streams and wetlands like the Somerset Levels.

"The measures announced will ensure development can take place, but only where there is practical action taken to protect our precious aquatic habitats.

"This is just one part of ongoing government action to improve water quality across the country, from targets in our world-leading Environment Act, which I was proud to steer through Parliament, to action on storm overflows.”