A TAUNTON choir is starting all over again following the disruption caused by the pandemic over the past two years.

Wood Street Community Choir are looking to recruit new members.

To join you need to enjoy singing, be free on Monday evenings and like meeting new people.

There are no auditions and no need to read music.

A spokesperson for the choir said: "We learn by ear and sing a variety of songs such as pop, folk, gospel and more in three- and four-part harmonies.

"Singing is good for you on so many levels.

"Members come home after choir feeling uplifted, with a sense of achievement having spent an evening in good company.

"The choir's leader, Catherine, has been involved in music for most of her life and her enthusiasm is infectious."

Wood Street Community Choir started over a decade ago, originally at a venue in Wood Street.

It is starting afresh from October 31 and will now meet at the Friends Meeting House, in Bath Place on Mondays between 7.30pm and 9.15pm.

For more information visit singfromtheheart.wordpress.com/ follow on Facebook or contact Catherine on woodstreetchoir@gmail.com