THE RNLI Ambassador’s South West branch held its first post-Covid event on Friday (October 7) with a fish and chip supper for more than 100 guests at Taunton Rugby Club in Hyde Lane, Bathpool.

The evening began at 7pm with a presentation and a slideshow given by the branch fundraising chairman Jared Colclough.

Jared has been an active fundraiser for the RNLI since being rescued, along with his cousin and two close friends, from the freezing waters off the coast of Exmouth in 2015.

After the presentation and a short speech given by Jared’s father, encouraging the guests to give as generously as possible, a splendid meal was served by the staff at the club.

After the meal and a short break to replenish drinks, the guests were treated to an entertaining quiz hosted by Luke Knight, from BBC Radio Somerset.

The prize for the quiz was £50 and the winning team generously donated their prize back to the RNLI.

The grand finale of the night was the raffle.

People were unbelievably generous with their ticket purchases and a large sum was raised.

There were some £2,300 worth of prizes donated by businesses in Taunton and over Somerset.

The fundraising would be much curtailed but for the continued support.

The night raised a total of £1,695 for the RNLI, funds which are desperately needed so it can continue its invaluable work around the country.

Fundraising chairman Jared Colclough said: "A huge thank you to everyone that gave up their evening for such an amazing cause.

"Everyone had a fun and exciting evening and help raised a terrific amount of money for the RNLI.

"A special thanks to the volunteer fundraising crew for their dedication and commitment to the night and planning before hand.”

For any future events, head over to our Facebook page RNLI Ambassadors South West.

Copy submitted by branch secretary Bob Colclough