TOWN councillor Richard Morgan was among a group of demonstrators who stopped the traffic on busy London roads at the weekend.

Cllr Morgan, of Bridgwater Town Council, continued the campaign of civil resistance against the Government near Holborn tube station.

He and other protestors walked into the road at the junction of High Holborn and Kingsway on Friday (October 21) to disrupt traffic by sitting in the road banners demanding a stop to all oil and gas licences and consents.

Some participants glued themselves onto the tarmac.

Cllr Morgan, 45, an in Bridgwater, said: "I travelled to London to join Just Stop Oil (JSO) in civil resistance against the government's inaction on climate change and the suicidal issuing of new oil and gas licences.

"Human-caused heating is wreaking havoc across the globe and untold suffering is heading our way and will soon be on our own doorstep.

"I have exhausted all other avenues and non-violent direct action in peaceful protest is our last best hope."

Cllr Morgan has already been sent to prison for 23 days for contempt of court following a protest near Tamworth last month.

The group of about 20 people also walked onto Upper Street and Islington Green on Saturday and disrupted traffic by sitting in the road with banners. Some supporters glued onto the tarmac and others used locked ons.

And on Sunday, four supporters stepped onto the iconic zebra crossing on Abbey Road made famous as the cover to Beatle’s Abbey Road album. After recreating the famous crossing, they glued onto the crossing.

A JSO spokesperson said: "This weekend’s roadblocks mark three weeks of continuous civil resistance by supporters of Just Stop Oil during which the police have made at least 574 arrests.

"Since the campaign began on April 1, Just Stop Oil supporters have been arrested over 1,800 times, with seven supporters currently in prison.

"This is not a one day event, expect us every day and anywhere. This is an act of resistance against a criminal government and their genocidal death project. Our supporters will be returning – today, tomorrow and the next day – and the next day after that – and every day until our demand is met: no new oil and gas in the UK."