A PROPOSED £9million cycleway between Taunton and Wellington would result in more than 600 bike journeys daily between the towns, it is claimed.

Transport consultant Matt McFeat made the prediction at a Citizens Somerset conference at Wellington School last Friday (October 21).

He said: "You have around 16,000 vehicle movements per day on the A38 between the two towns yet only 75 bike journeys over the same period.

"Our data shows that number increasing to over 600 with a safe, traffic-free cycle route.

“The potential on this route is massive even considering only commuter journeys for work or study.

"If you factor in leisure use which would grow with a safe route, then the numbers grow even larger.”

Somerset West and Taunton Council recently announced a £50,000 study to determine whether the cycle route (W2T) can be delivered.

The A38 between Taunton and Wellington has limited provision for cyclists in terms of traffic-free cycle lanes.

Taunton Deane MP Rebecca Pow, who spoke at the conference, said: "It’s tremendously exciting and absolutely on the right track to succeed.

“However, we can have all the intent in the world but to get the £9million funding it will take is going to be tough.

"We’ll need to have really sound data to get into the government’s Active Travel pot.”

Chris Waddilove from Citizens Somerset, said: "On a county comparison, Devon has over 100 miles of traffic-free cycle routes and Somerset has just 12.

"There is a glaring need for a safer route than the hazardous A38.”

Cllr Dixie Darch, representing Somerset County Council and the forthcoming unitary authority Somerset Council, said: "There’s no way Somerset Council will be able to pay for W2T itself."

County and district member Cllr Mike Rigby said: "The challenges include difficulties with construction, routing and landownership. These are not insurmountable, but do significantly affect costs, which in turn weakens the strategic and economic business case to unlock funding.

"I have commissioned a far more extensive study...it will seek to understand the complex issues, barriers and risks. It will look at the options to overcome any barriers and identify the best route option.

"Our study will emphasise the importance and value of this route, which will build a strong and robust business case to unlock funding.

"We want the Wellington to Taunton link to be well used, connect as many people as possible and encourage more people to cycle."