Glastonbury residents and businesses will get another chance to find out how millions of pounds will be spent on improving their town centre.

Glastonbury was one of 101 towns across England to receive support from the government’s towns fund, with £23.6m being provided for projects designed to enhance the town centre and improve the town’s fortunes.

The government approved the business cases for all 11 final projects in late September, with work on each project due to begin in early 2023 and all projects needing to be completed by March 31, 2026.

The Glastonbury Town Deal board will hold a public event on November 24 to give locals a chance to learn more about the projects, including opportunities to get involved in their delivery.

In addition, local businesses will be able to register their interest in finding out about the supply chain opportunities linked with the Town Deal projects.

What are the projects?

The 11 projects being taken forward are as follows:

  1. Regeneration of the historic Baily’s Buildings: two buildings on Beckery Old Road will be re-purposed into a sustainable home for local start-up, small and growing businesses. The complex will also house a small, dedicated museum celebrating the town’s industrial heritage
  2. The Glastonbury Enterprise and Innovation Hub: Beckery House on Beckery Road will be turned into “a dedicated centre for the town’s vibrant business community”, to help meet the demand for affordable, flexible, managed workspaces and provide support for businesses, particularly those in the food and manufacturing sectors
  3. Regeneration of Building C to establish The Life Factory: this section of the Red Brick Building – located off the A39 Street Road – will become “a vibrant, shared community resource”, especially for the town’s young people. It will be “an inspiring place to make, create and grow as a community with zones for skills development, arts and craft makers and activities, youth, media, broadcasting and hospitality”
  4. Glastonbury Clean Energy: the board will invest in generating renewable energy and low-carbon infrastructure, in collaboration with Beckery Village businesses, community organisations and landowners
  5. The Robert Richards Initiative: named after the first chairman of the town deal board, this initiative will include an innovative website and learning platform, “additional sustainability solutions” for three buildings set to be refurbished through other projects, and enhanced green infrastructure within the town – including new cycle routes and improvements to the Glastonbury Way circular path
  6. Enhancement of St Brigid’s Chapel and Field: this project will “create a gateway to the understanding” of Glastonbury’s religious heritage, both pagan and Christian. The new, year-round, educational visitor destination, will protect 33 acres of land around the former chapel with accessibility improvements and interpretation boards around the site
  7. The Glastonbury Food and Regenerative Farming Centre: this will be a “community-led, educational research centre” focused on natural methods for growing food, land management and well-being. It will “be a place for all age groups to grow together, while skill-sharing, immersed in nature”
  8. The building enabling project: in order to renovate the buildings within the Beckery Village, there are enabling works that are crucial for the whole regeneration of Glastonbury. This project will “sustainably improve the situation for the non-bricks and mortar communities” – tying into the council’s Local Plan ambitions surrounding the Morlands site and other provision for travellers in and around Glastonbury
  9. Enhancement of St Dunstan’s House Community Health and Well-being Centre: this new centre, next to Glastonbury Town Hall, will provide covid-safe spaces for community groups to gather for activities, as well as improve access to local health services and employment advice
  10. Revamp of Glastonbury Abbey Piazza: the visitor approach and offer at the abbey will be enhanced, with upgraded facilities, retail and reception areas. The creation of a new public space for the town will “improve connectivity with the town centre”, benefiting local businesses
  11. Delivery of the Glastonbury Community Sports and Leisure Hub: the “tired” Tor Leisure Centre on the A361 Street Road will be revitalised into a modern multi-use sports and leisure hub in the heart of the town. The facility is intended to meet the needs and expectations of users by offering opportunities for sports, training, education, health and well-being support, and a place for people of all ages to meet and socialise


The event will be held at Glastonbury Town Hall on November 24 between 11am and 3pm.