PEOPLE hosting Ukrainian refugees in Wiveliscombe received the seal of Royal approval during a visit from The Countess of Wessex.

The Countess met a number of those who had .fled the war-torn country in St Andrew's Church last Wednesday (November 9), along with members of the charity Wivey Welcomes Refugees (WWR).

Among those present who enjoyed a tea party were around 100 Ukrainian guests, hosts and active supporters, as well as the Lord Lieutenant of Somerset Mohammed Saddiq and his predecessor Annie Maw, founder of the Somerset Supports Ukraine charity.

The Countess sat with a group of refugees as a choir sang a popular Ukrainian hymn, reducing many of them to tears.

A card made by Nina Honchar and signed by all the Ukrainian guests at the event was presented to The Countess.

The Royal visitor, who hugged one of those present, praised locals who had offered to take in refugees.

She said: "Had the shoe been on the other foot, we would all be looking to friendly countries like Ukraine to take us in.

"You are providing something beyond any monetary value and I thank you."

WWR chairman Peter Pearson told her how 68 Ukrainians had been given shelter in the Wiveliscombe area through the Homes for Ukraine scheme, although some have already returned to their homeland.

While three families have moved into rented accommodation, 21 families or individuals are still with hosts.

After the visit, Mr Pearson said: "Everyone who spoke to the Countess found her to be warm, well-informed and a joy to meet.

"She was very affirming of what we have all been doing.

"The whole occasion showed the Wivey area at its best, and will be remembered for a long time to come.

"The hospitality team at St Andrew's pulled out all the stops and offered delicious Ukrainian and British refreshments, all beautifully presented, and the In Ecclesia choir sang the very moving Ukrainian Prayer.

"As well as the affirmation of such a visit it was a great opportunity to communicate the joys and challenges of life in a rural area such as ours to all the civic guests. We hope that some tangible outcomes result from this as well."