THE public consultation on the Draft Place Plan for Wellington starts on Monday (January 23), giving residents and businesses a chance to have their say on how they think the town should look in the future.

The Place Plan is being prepared by Somerset West and Taunton Council to inform future decisions about the development, regeneration and conservation of the town.

It will look at potential options for growth to support housing and employment needs; retail and commercial function; transport systems; culture and heritage.

The council has commissioned consultants Allies and Morrison, Avison Young, and LUC to prepare the Place Plan including a Vision, Spatial Framework, and Infrastructure and Implementation Plan.

Views of the community have already been sought through a series of engagement activities at the end of last year and an online questionnaire, with feedback taken into account in the Draft Place Plan which is out for consultation.

Members of the public are now being invited to contribute to the statutory consultation which aims to identify possible areas for growth while allowing Wellington to retain its unique sense of place.

The consultation runs for four weeks until February 20 and can be found at from Monday.

Following the consultation and any amendments to take account of comments received, the Place Plan will be considered for adoption as policy at full council in March.

When adopted it will be a long-term strategy that will inform the future Somerset-wide Local Plan as the county moves to a new unitary authority in April 2023.