THE council has been forced into an embarrassing and potentially expensive U turn over a planning shambles.

The correct procedures were ignored as change of use permission to convert a former rural pub into holiday accommodation was approved.

Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) gave the go-ahead for the scheme at the Blue Ball Inn, at Triscombe, without the correct legal authority.

Council leader Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts is now starting the legal process to overturn the decision.

The local authority has blamed the debacle on "an administrative error".

It is now seeking the court's permission to begin the planning process all over again. 

An SWT spokesperson said: "The council received an application (reference 45/22/0010) for a proposed change of use of the Blue Ball Inn, Cockercombe Road, (in the parish of) Bagborough, from a public house to holiday accommodation with ancillary bar and community use.

"Due to an administrative error, planning permission was granted under delegated powers for the change of use on 19 December 2022 without the proper legal authority to do so.

"Due to the number of objections, the application should have been referred to the council’s planning committee for decision by councillors."

The spokesperson added: "It is not possible for the council simply to withdraw a planning permission once issued, even if granted in error.

"The leader of the council, Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, is, therefore, initiating the necessary legal process through the High Court to quash the planning permission as soon as possible."

The application will then go before the councillors on the planning committee for re-determination.

The applicant, Grant Fowler, has been made aware of the problem and received an apology from the council.

Mr Fowler intends to turn the building into a luxury holiday let with an ancillary bar. It would be available for "community use".

The pub has been empty since last February and Mr Fowler says he has been unable to find anyone prepared to take it on.

Since he brought the premises in 2008, three tenants have gone bankrupt; two experienced 'trading difficulties' and were unable to pay suppliers; another went into liquidation; and a seventh ran the business at a loss.

West Bagborough Parish Council opposed the application, citing claims the rent at the 400-year-old pub charged to tenants was excessive and concerns of potential anti-social behaviour.

The Quantock Hills Area of Natural Beauty also objected, claiming the planned scheme would have "a high impact on the AONB".

READ MORE: Council grants planning permission for former pub.