GLOBAL folk band Mishra have formed a collaboration with international fusion-vocalist Deepa Sri Shakthi and are playing in Glastonbury in April.

The project takes the soul-stirring euphoria of Deepa’s sufi singing as a starting point, and weaves in the threads of Mishra’s UK folk and Indian classical influences to create a captivating cross-cultural sound.

Their joyous performances are a journey of contrasts, from hand-clapping trance-like sufi songs to spacious stillness and reflection with lyrics in Hindu, Urdu and English.

They are calling their new show ‘Samaroh’ after the Hindi word for celebration and will be touring venues in England with funding from EFDSS and Help Musicians.

Over 30 years of studying Indian music and working across genres under the banner of ‘world music’, Deepa Shri Shakthi (formerly Deepa Nair Rasiya) has forged an international reputation as a vocalist and composer, receiving awards and acclaim in the UK and India.

She has worked with artists including Kuljit Bhamra and is currently touring with Opera North’s production of Orpheus.

Mishra are Kate Griffin (The Magpies) on banjo and vocals, Ford Collier (The Drystones) on low whistle and percussion, John Ball (Rafiki Jazz) on tabla and santoor, Joss Mann-Hazell (Auka) on double bass, and Alex Lyon on clarinets and vocals.

Since forming in 2018, Mishra have won the Christian Raphael prize, received BBC Radio 2 airplay for their albums 'The Loft Tapes' and 'Reclaim', and performed slots at festivals including Cambridge Folk Festival, Beardy and Timber.

They are 2022 recipients of Celtic Connections’ prestigious ‘Danny Kyle’ award and are performing with Deepa at Celtic Connections 2023

Tickets are available for the Glastonbury show in the town's Assembly Rooms on April 7 from