THE in box at Somerset West and Taunton Council's planning department has been busy over the past week.

After a quiet previous week, there have been several planning applications more recently.

Here are the submissions received at Deane House.


Change of use to the permitted use of building to allow it be used as a fitness centre (Use Class E,d) at Marshalsea House, Venture Way, Taunton.


Erection of a two storey extension with conversion of outbuilding into ancillary accommodation at Washer Farm, Waterhouse Road, Raddington.


Restoration of the water wheel at Cothelstone Manor, Cothelstone Road, Bishops Lydeard.


Application for Outline Planning with all matters reserved, except for access, for the erection of up to 100 No. dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system (SUDs) and vehicular access on land at North End, Creech St Michael.

Erection of detached garage at 7 Powell Close, Creech St Michael (retention of part works already undertaken).

Erection of a two storey extension to the side of Lydes Farm, Adsborough Lane, Adsborough.


Replacement of stable block at Newtons, Curland Common Road, Curland.


Variation of Condition Nos. 02 (approved plans), 07 (surface water drainage), 09 (bat protection licence), 10 (ecology), 11 (bat friendly lighting), 13 (tree protection) and 14 (biodiversity enhancement plan) of application 22/21/0012 at The Old Cheese Factory, Deans Cross to Broad Oak, Lydeard St Lawrence.


Formation of entrance and erection of a single storey extension with internal alterations at Pithayne, St Michaels Hill, Milverton.

Formation of entrance and erection of a single storey extension with internal alterations at Pithayne, St Michaels Hill, Milverton.


Change of use of barn to holiday let with associated works at Webb Hill Farm, Dollings Farm Lane, Oake.

Demolition of stables and erection of a general purpose agricultural building for the storage of machinery and fodder at Oake View Bungalow, Oake.


Demolition of lean-to and outbuilding and erection of a single storey extension to the side, porch to the front, construction of a first floor and erection of a detached double garage at Troake Bungalow, Blagdon Hill Road, Trull (resubmission of 30/22/0032).


Conversion of loft into ancillary accommodation at 97 Stoke Road, Taunton.

Display of 1 No. internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 No. internally illuminated projecting sign at 7-8 East Street, Taunton.

Variation of Condition No's. 1 and 3 (to substitute the approved landscaping drawings) of application 38/19/0266 at Trinity Business Park, Taunton.

Formation of parking to the front of 35 Galmington Road, Taunton.

Partial replacement of shop front at 7-8 East Street, Taunton.

Conversion of garage into ancillary accommodation at The Cottage, 1B The Avenue, Taunton.

Display of 1 No. internally illuminated fascia sign, 2 No. non-illuminated vinyl signs, 1 No. freestanding internally illuminated double faced double post mounted sign and 1 No. non-illuminated shopfront vinyl graphic at Aldi, Chip Lane, Taunton.


Replacement of 2 No. boilers and installation of horizontal flue at Swallowfield House, Station Road, Wellington.

Erection of a single storey extension to the rear with raised decking area at 85 Oaken Ground, Rockwell Green, Wellington.

Erection of a two storey extension to the side of 16 Wellesley Park, Wellington.


Removal of Condition No. 13 (limitation of sales) of application 46/21/0005 on land off Castle Road, Chelston Business Park, Wellington.


Erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with associated works in the garden to the rear of Nigella, Church Hill, West Monkton.

Replacement of garage with alterations to vehicular access at Glendower, Cheddon Fitzpaine Road, Goosenford, Taunton.

Erection of a two storey extension to the rear of Wisteria Cottage A, Monkton Heathfield Road, Monkton Heathfield.

*Check out our public notices HERE.