SEDGEMOOR District Council and SASP are launching a healthy initiative for men's mental health.

'Unbreakable Men' aims to raise awareness around men's mental health in Somerset and actively encourage Men to take ownership over their mental wellness, whilst positively impacting their mental and physical wellbeing through physical activity.

This is done in a simple and practical ways with both online and face to face physical activities. The Unbreakable Men Project is delivered by Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership and funded by Open Mental Health.

A spokesperson said :"Unbreakable Men is all about taking positive action around your Physical and Mental health. At SASP we are excited to develop a programme which brings together a community of likeminded men, who want to get some progress with their mental fitness and feel at their best."

"This initiative aims to raise awareness around Men's Mental Health, enable you to be part of a supportive community and take ownership over your mental and physical wellbeing."

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