PROPOSALS for “harmfully intrusive” homes on the edge of the Exmoor National Park have been rejected by planning inspectors.

Report by Daniel Mumby.

Mr J. Way wanted to build up to 12 new homes on the southern side of Beacon Road, Minehead.

The former Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) refused permission in November 2021, which prompted Mr Way to lodge an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

The inspectorate has now upheld the original decision, meaning the homes cannot be built, despite the site being identified as a possible future location for development.

The proposed development would have been constructed in the shadow of North Hill, which is owned by Somerset Council and is prone to rock falls and landslips, prompting a £1million scheme to protect neighbouring properties, which could be implemented later this year.

The site was identified within SWT's strategic housing and employment land availability assessment as being able to deliver up to ten homes by 2031 – but officers warned there would be “terrain issues” with the site, and any development would have to be “low density”.

The inspector, Mr J. J. Evans, said: “The provision of 12 dwellings in such a location would be conspicuously noticeable given their position high up the hillside.

“It might be the case that the houses could be arranged in groups and be designed to minimise their visual impact, such as being two-storey, having green roofs and timber walling.

“From some views lower down the hillside and from the old harbour area, the houses would not be visible. Notwithstanding this, the site is plainly visible from a number of other views within and beyond the town, and the hill is such a prominent feature in the area that such measures would not mitigate the essential change in the appearance of the site.”

Mr Evans said that “ground and levelling works” would be needed to accommodate the new homes within the steep slopes, which would result in trees and other vegetation being removed.

He said: “I am not convinced that planning conditions would be sufficient to protect these trees during construction, nor that the development would ensure their long-term health and vitality.

“Additional planting is proposed to compensate for those trees that would be felled, but the impact of any replacement trees would take many years to make a similar contribution to the area, if ever."