WEST Monkton Church of England Primary School has retained its 'good' rating following an Ofsted inspection.

The school, which can be found on Bridgwater Road in Taunton, was inspected on May 16 and 17, and "continues to be a good school."

The Ofsted inspector wrote in their report: "Pupils describe West Monkton Primary School as one big family. They say that their teachers motivate them, support them and encourage them to learn. One pupil summed 
this up, saying: ‘If we say we can’t do it, our teachers say you can’t do it yet.’

"All staff share high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils strive towards these expectations. They are glad to choose examples of their success to add to their ‘proud work’ display. 

"Pupils are safe. They are respectful to staff. Bullying is rare. It is not tolerated. Pupils enjoy the opportunities they have at breaktimes to play creatively and adventurously. 

"They know they can share any worries with the ‘follow the rainbow’ team.

"Many parents speak highly of the extra support given, for example through ‘the nest’. 

"Leaders build positive relationships with pupils’ families through family learning, the parent board and community cafe. Pupils take on responsibilities, such as being play leaders or members of the collective worship council.

"Pupils are taught to be active citizens, through campaigning and raising money for charities. Pupils enjoy the wide range of extra-curricular clubs.

"In these ways, pupils learn to be part of a thriving community."

The school's safeguarding policies were also praised as "effective." The inspector continues: "Leaders have made sure that all adults and pupils know how they can report concerns. Staff are vigilant. The school’s safeguarding team acts on all concerns.

"Staff carefully track and review the difference that their actions have made. All staff are regularly trained. Leaders are well supported by expert staff from the multiacademy trust. Appropriate checks are made on all the adults involved with the school.

"Leaders have a clear understanding of the particular risks to their pupils. Leaders make changes and additions to the curriculum to reflect these. The curriculum helps pupils learn how to stay safe."