A 'HAPPY, caring' primary school has received an all round 'good' rating from Ofsted inspectors.

Pupils, leaders, staff and parents were praised in Blackbrook Primary School's first inspection since joining the Oak Academy.

A report says pupils speak confidently about the school's values and enjoy learning, as well as taking part in school clubs.

Leaders under headteacher Barney Rycroft, and staff have high expectations of pupils and their behaviour, leading to a "calm, purposeful atmosphere" in which children care for one another and respect staff.

Parents and carers are supportive and praise the care and sense of community at the 239-pupil school, in Ashbourne Crescent.

The report says: "Leaders, at all levels, are dedicated and enthusiastic.

"Pupils follow a curriculum that is broad and balanced and well suited to their needs.

"Subject leaders and teachers consider carefully what they want pupils to learn through the curriculum."

Pupils deepen their mathematical understanding as they move through the school and reading is a high priority.

Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), with staff providing the necessary support.

The report adds: "Leaders create a school culture where everyone is valued.

"Pupils listen to others’ ideas with maturity.

"Pupils’ personal development is built through the wide range of opportunities on offer.

"Pupils learn to respect different faiths, cultures and lifestyles. They know how to look after their own mental and physical health.

"The school is led with consideration and compassion. Governors and trust leaders check the effectiveness of school leaders’ actions."

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective through as "a culture of vigilance at the school", with appropriate checks to ensure staff are suitable to work with pupils.

"Leaders know vulnerable pupils and their families well," says the report.

"They are tenacious in securing the help that they need.

"Parents are confident that pupils are safe and secure in school.

"Pupils learn to stay safe, including when online."

Blackbrook Primary School converted to become an academy school in January 2019.

Prior to that it was judged good overall in its previous Ofsted inspection.