A PROGRAMME of trimming roadside verges for safety reasons is continuing across Somerset until next month (September).

Somerset Council’s highways team have been trimming verges to ensure safe visibility for motorists.

Each year more than 9,400km of roadside verges are cut back in the county.

The local authority's maintenance programme aims to find a balance between promoting habitat creation and protecting wildlife, along with the safety of all road users.

Most highway verges are only cut to a width of one metre, although some stretches can be cut back further to improve visibility for motorists at certain junctions.

As well as ensuring visibility, it also helps water flow along road channels and provides a safe area for pedestrians where there is no pavement.

The cutting programme commenced in May and is due to be completed in September, depending on the seasonal growing conditions.

The routes that experience higher volumes of traffic are cut first.

Somerset County Gazette:

Somerset Council lead member for transport and digital Cllr Mike Rigby said: “Every summer we deliver this programme so that our network remains safe.

READ MORE: Council's environmentally friendly grass mowing strategy.

"Verge cutting is critically important in keeping our highway network running efficiently.

“We are committed to keeping our verges short, but we are always looking to improve our public engagement alongside our service, so we can ensure our network is safe together.

"If you do spot a problem on the road, you can alert us quickly and easily by reporting it on our website.”