A PROPOSED housing estate on the outskirts of Wellington could feature more than 300 homes.

Gladman Developments Ltd has submitted an outline planning application for up to 315 homes on a 15.66-hectare site near the railway line east of Exeter Road, in Rockwell Green.

The scheme, if approved by Somerset Council planners, would include a convenience store, public open space, landscaping, a sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point.

A statement issued with the application says:

  • one in four of the dwellings would be affordable housing;
  • "several national operators" have "confirmed their interest" in a convenience store in the location;
  • there would be six electric vehicle car club parking spaces;
  • a new access road would be constructed south of the site;
  • there would be a water recycling centre and pumping station;
  • community allotments would be provided;
  • other facilities would include links to existing footpaths, a children's play area and open public space;
  • 8.93 hectares are proposed for residential/retail development and 4.23ha "primarily contributing to green infrastructure".

The statement adds: "Somerset Council cannot currently demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites in the Taunton Deane area.

"Therefore, this application directly responds to the housing needs within both Taunton Deane and the wider Somerset area and would help enable the council to be able to demonstrate a five year supply of housing.

"It is also proposed that an electric vehicle hire car club is made available on site to provide one vehicle for each 50 homes.

"It would benefit both new and existing residents by being readily accessible and providing a further appropriate sustainable transport intervention.

"Moreover, the applicant has explored the viability of the provision of a convenience store on the application site with several national operators, who have confirmed their interest in a convenience offer in this location."

The planning application will be considered in due course by Somerset Council.

If the local authority agrees to the proposals, then Gladman Developments Ltd would have the opportunity to draw up more detailed plans for the council's consideration.