More plans to build hundreds of homes in Somerset have been put forward, including a proposal in Wellington - and it's safe to say Somerset County Gazette readers are not best pleased.

Gladman Developments Ltd is eyeing a 15.66-hectare site near the railway line east of Exeter Road in Rockwell Green, intending to construct up to 315 homes.

The project, which includes shops, public spaces, and 25 per cent affordable housing, awaits approval from Somerset Council.

Somerset County Gazette: The plans are for Rockwell Green, on the outskirts of Wellington in Somerset

Some of the public response, however, has not been favourable.

One reader raised concerns about the town's ability to cope with the influx of new residents.

They said: "Absolutely not.

"We don't have the infrastructure in our town in place to cope with more housing."

READ MOREProposals for 315 homes off Exeter Road in Rockwell Green

This view reflected those of several other readers, who also expressed worry for local green spaces, "Won’t be any green spaces left before long," one commented.

"Green space gone...make way for the world to live in Somerset" another resident joked.

Somerset County Gazette: View from the edge of Rockwell Green. Picture: Gladman Developments Ltd

Concern was expressed over environmental sustainability too, as another reader critiqued: "Green fields disappearing so fast, we talk about being carbon neutral so the more green fields that are built on the more food we have to import so actually increasing the carbon never mind all the other issues being mentioned not forgetting the loss of our wildlife."

Residents also expressed some worry over the wellbeing of local wildlife, as well the negative implications it could have on the beautiful natural landscape nearby.

"We may want to walk in those fields once a week" one mentioned.

Despite the concerns surrounding the plans, a number of positives have been highlighted.

This includes the addition of green features like a water recycling centre, electric vehicle parking spaces, and community allotments, as well as a convenience store.

The planning application will be considered in due course by Somerset Council.

If the local authority agrees to the proposals, then Gladman Developments Ltd would have the opportunity to draw up more detailed plans for the council's consideration.