A TAUNTON woman has just celebrated her 107th birthday.

Audrey, who may lay claim to being the oldest person in the town, marked the occasion with residents and carers at Somerset Care's Calway House, where she has lived for the past three years.

She tucked into her favourite pink wafer biscuits and enjoyed a celebration cake specially home baked for her by kitchen staff at the nursing and rehabilitation care home.

Audrey was born in Portsmouth in November 1916, midway through the First World War, when George V was on the throne and Herbert Asquith was Prime Minister.

She grew up there as the youngest of six children before spending the Second World War in Slough, where she worked in an aircraft factory.

In her younger days she enjoyed swimming, but these days a spot of people-watching and karaoke are more her style.

While she never married, she loves to tell people that she is just about to walk up the aisle.

King Charles sent Audrey a birthday card, the latest in several she has received from the monarch.