RETIRED headmaster Peter Johnson has some personal experience to draw on for his latest book.

Mr Johnson, who led Millfield School, in Street, from 1998 to 2008, sees his second novel published next week.

Plot One, out on Tuesday (November 28), follows his debut novel It's Cold at the End of the Bed.

He took up writing in retirement from a successful career in teaching after studying at Oxford University and serving in the Parachute Brigade.

Mr Johnson said: "Having been the head of two schools - (Wrekin College, in Shropshire and Millfield) - for a total of 17 years, I was on familiar ground writing about a workaholic head who is nervous about and largely unprepared for his retirement.

"I was mindful of the words attributed to Churchill that, “Headmasters have powers at their disposal with which Prime Ministers have never yet been invested'.”

He added: "Retirement, feared by some and embraced by others, is full of potential difficulties, especially for those who have loved work, tasted success and find it difficult to let go.

"Making this lifestyle change is challenging whatever job you have done and fertile territory for a novel written by someone in his seventies.”

Plot One, published by Troubador and priced £8.99, tells the story of the challenges facing headmaster John Stevens following his retirement and impending move to his new family home.

His wife Sally, a highly respected GP, intends to work for at least another five years.

Can he adjust to being the partner at home and has he spent too much time with other people’s children and neglected his own?

To make matters worse, within weeks of leaving his post John’s life is thrown into turmoil and he needs all his strength and resilience to cope.

His weaknesses as a parent are exposed, family tensions are heightened and unsettling questions about his marriage are raised.