ABOUT 100 current and former staff and volunteers celebrated the 75th anniversary of Age UK Somerset at an event in Taunton.

They caught up at St James' Church Hall to chat about their experiences with the charity, which provides help to older people in the county.

Chief executive Phil Dolan introduced the debut performance of the charity’s volunteer Choir of Agels, who performed two short songs despite only having had three rehearsals.

After a short speech on the charity’s beginnings and the changes it has seen, the guests raised their glasses in a toast to the future.

They were then served a slice of celebration cake donated by Rumwell Farm Shop, who have been supporting Age UK Somerset throughout 2023 as its Charity of the Year while being entertained with six songs from The Rivertones Chorus.

Also present the Mayor of Taunton Cllr Nick O’Donnell, the leader of Somerset Council Cllr Bill Revans and several other guests from organisations which have worked alongside the charity over the years.

There were displays of photographs of former staff and news from the charity’s archive and some reproduced with permission from the County Gazette, along with photos of old Somerset.

As they left guests were given a free copy of Somerset Life magazine.

Chairman of the charity’s trustees Steve Holt said: “It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet so many people who have supported the charity over the years.

"There was a lovely sense of celebration at the event and we are so grateful to those who have played a part in making later life better in Somerset in the past, and for our current staff and volunteers who are so dedicated to our mission.”

For more about the charity, its services or how you can help, visit: www.ageuksomerset.org.uk.