A PLANNING application has been submitted to Somerset Council to convert a 19th century Baptist Church and graveyard into a new three-bedroom home.

Pang Properties Limited have applied to renovate the now disused Wedmore Baptist Church, which sits between Burnham-on-Sea and Wells.

They hope to carry out major interior alterations to the Grade II Listed building, as well as installing a parking area for up to three bicycles.

It is insisted in the design and access statement that there will be minimal work to the church's exterior.

"The proposed conversion into a residential dwelling will have little impact on the external appearance of the building," the plans state.

"The inclusion of three conservation rooflights into the east roof slope of the main chapel building will be the main alteration visible from any public vantage point."

Inside the church, the applicants hope to convert the main worship area to house a mezzanine with associated staircase over a proposed kitchen area, as well as knocking through the arched alcove in the south wall to create a doorway onto a small rear terrace.

It's proposed he ceiling would be completely replaced, with new insulation also being installed as damp has rotted the existing interior roof.

If plans are approved, insulation will be a key area for developers to target in order to convert the building for residential use, with hopes also to improve ventilation to combat the high humidity inside.

The existing school room building would be "extensively refurbished internally" including the removal of almost all internal finishes and joinery which were in "a very poor state of repair."

Pang Properties Limited also hope to install several solar panels on the roof of the school building in order to power an underfloor heating system throughout the church's ground floor.

The statement concludes: "Regrettably, years of neglect have left the building in a poor state of repair.

"Other potential uses of the building are limited and would have significant local effect in terms of traffic movement and parking.

"The proposed conversion of the Baptist Church into a residential dwelling will secure the long-term future of the listed building."

The application can be viewed by searching the application number 50/23/00112 on the Somerset Council website.

Comments are welcomed until December 28, although approval for the plans to go ahead could be given as early as December 29.