A GRIEVING mum is upset after being ordered to remove a memorial tablet and various items from her son's grave at Taunton Cemetery.

Terena Swain and relatives of 13 other people buried in plots at the site outside Somerset Council-owned Taunton Crematorium have received letters telling them they had breached the rules and regulations.

Terena, of Westford, Wellington, was still coming to terms with the sudden death of her son Michael McNally, in February, when she was notified to remove the items before the end of this year.

She said: "I call his grave his home. It's his bedroom, where I go to see him and talk to him.

"It's been like it is for nine months, then all of a sudden I get this letter saying the tablet and items don't conform to the cemetery rules and regulations and I've got to take everything off the grave.

"I've spent about £5,000 on everything. It's a beautiful memorial."

Terena said she signed a piece of paper after Michael's funeral, but was in no state to take in what she had agreed to.

"It's just heartless sending letters like this," she added.

"I bought what I thought was the relevant headstone and tablet.

"They told me the grass has to be put back. I won't even walk on Michael's grave, but now they're going to have a mower ridden over it.

"Being told before Christmas is doubly upsetting.

"I can't personally go and remove everything from the grave. They might as well put me in there with him."

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, council executive member for communities, housing and culture, said: “I am sorry for any upset families have experienced when we have corresponded with them in relation to the way in which graves need to be maintained at Taunton Cemetery.

"We explain when a grave is first purchased that we do not provide traditional kerbset graves and loose and breakable items are not permitted on the grass.

"We understand that purchases can take place when people are going through a hugely emotional time and grieving for loved ones. We therefore provide images and written guidance with the rules and regulations to explain this as part of the Deed of Grant.

"We have written to the owners of 14 graves to remind them of these rules and regulations and to give them time to make these changes. I am sorry for any distress that this has caused however we need to ensure that we maintain a safe environment for maintenance and all those who visit, alongside remaining fair as we recognise the majority of grave owners adhere to the rules and regulations they signed when purchasing.”