WASTE collection crews will be working tomorrow (Saturday, December 9) in parts of South Somerset to catch up on flood-delayed collections.

The teams have been working hard to reach households following the flooding which hit parts of Somerset this week

Crews have today (Friday), returned to villages in and around Somerton for recycling missed on Thursday.

Some residents in and around Evercreech and Wincanton due to have their recycling collected today may have it delayed until Saturday.

Residents are asked to leave their recycling boxes and bags out for two days.

If crews have not been able to return for it after two days, then take waste back in and put it back out on the usual collection day next week.

Every week crews makes more than 350,000 collections across then county.

While the vast majority usually run smoothly, Somerset Council understands the frustration when there are delays.

Anyone affected by delayed collections is asked to make the most of the space in boxes and bags by crushing, squashing and flattening items if possible.